


劳伦Cannady, 餐饮经理, 帮助开发新的敷料, 文图拉食品创新中心的酱汁和其他食品, where research and development chefs closely follow food trends to produce new culinary creations.



你可能没有注意到文图拉食品的品牌产品, 主要由大豆油制成, 在杂货店的货架上或餐馆的菜单上. But the company is a big player in the food industry, which benefits farmers.

文图拉的食物是CHS和三井物产在加州的合资企业 & Co. -为食品工业生产包装食品. 客户包括一些最大的餐馆, 杂货店和食品服务供应商, 包括美国百强连锁餐厅中的70家.

The company makes popping and butter-flavored topping oils used in movie theaters and sports arenas. 餐馆使用文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码的油炸油来制作酥脆可口的食物. 它的酱汁、蘸料和调味料是烹饪创意的补充. 文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码也生产人造黄油, 黄油混合, 传播, 蛋黄酱, pan sprays and culinary bases that help chefs create recipes to tantalize taste buds.

“We’re a custom company more than a branded one,” says Chris Furman, 文图拉的食物 president and CEO. “If you go to the back of a restaurant and the chef is using fry oil or mayonnaise, 可能是文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码生产的.”

皇冠hga010安卓二维码澳门皇冠赌场平台集中在创新中心, 制造工厂和员工, 改善其供应链而不是品牌.

“That’s really where our greatest strengths are and that’s why we continue to do well by developing the foodservice side of our business,弗曼说.


大豆油在明尼苏达州曼卡托的CHS精炼., soybean processing plant is a main ingredient in 文图拉的食物 products.


文图拉的食物 revenues have increased by about $1 billion in the past decade to nearly $4 billion in fiscal year 2023, 截至3月31日, 2023. 这种增长以多种方式使CHS农场主受益.

文图拉的食物 is a strong, consistent buyer of soybean oil and 油菜 oil. 该皇冠hga010安卓二维码每年购买约25%的精炼油, 漂白和除臭大豆油, 15% to 20% of the high-oleic soy oil and 15% of the 油菜 oil produced by CHS facilities.

Co-owning 文图拉的食物 directly connects CHS farmer-owners to the food supply chain, 托德·比登菲尔德说, 是CHS的植物油和向日葵销售总监.

“CHS has had incredible returns from our soy and 油菜 processing businesses over the last few years and 文图拉的食物 is a large contributor to that success,他说. “Rewards to owners traditionally end when we ship out the refined oil and meal from our facilities. Owning 50% of 文图拉的食物 allows CHS to participate more completely in the supply chain and when 文图拉的食物 is profitable, 我们分享这一成功. 最终,它使我们能够向农场主返还更多的钱.”

Furman adds the joint venture is successful due to the shared values of CHS and Mitsui. “相互尊重和合作精神是显而易见的. 14年来,我一直坐在前排, 看着两家皇冠hga010安卓二维码的领导一起努力解决挑战.”

Frying oil manufactured by 文图拉的食物 is ready to be shipped to customers from its 加州安大略.、植物.


食用油是文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码产品的主要成分. The company annually uses 2 billion pounds of edible oils derived from soybeans, 油菜, 棕榈, 棉籽, 玉米, 花生, 椰子, 橄榄和其他植物来源. 弗曼说,大豆油占皇冠hga010安卓二维码用油的65%到75%. The company sources oil from CHS and other large suppliers throughout the world.

Ahmad而博帕尔, senior vice president of food innovation and international with 文图拉的食物, says soy oil is the primary ingredient because of availability and price and because it’s an “excellent carrier for texture and flavor.”

比登菲尔德说,文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码是CHS最大的石油客户. CHS oils are shipped via rail and truck from refineries in Mankato, Minn.以及明尼苏达州的哈洛克.到全国11家文图拉食品工厂.


成立于1996年,是CHS和三井的合资企业 & Co. 在Wilsey Foods和Holsum Foods合并之后. 了解更多澳门皇冠赌场平台 文图拉的食物.


  • 加州布雷亚. (总部)
  • 阿拉巴马州的伯明翰.
  • 加州安大略.
  • 港口圣. 露西,佛罗里达州.
  • 索顿,生病了.
  • Opelousas拉.
  • Albert Lea,明尼苏达州.
  • St. 约瑟夫,莫.
  • 俄勒冈州波特兰.
  • 萨勒姆,矿石.
  • Chambersburg,爸爸.
  • 得克萨斯州沃斯堡
  • 萨吉诺,德克萨斯
  • 沃基肖,威斯康星州.
  • 埃德蒙顿艾伯塔
  • 多伦多,安大略省


  • 隐谷
  • 经典美食
  • 朝霞
  • 酱工艺
  • 厨师的骄傲
  • Grandioso
  • LouAna
  • Gold-n-Sweet
  • 聪明的平衡

“The beautiful thing about the joint venture is the two owners allow 文图拉的食物 to operate with autonomy to make business decisions in the best interests of the company,弗曼说. “三井鼓励我们与CHS合作, 假设我们根据市场情况做出了正确的决定.”

达林·约翰逊(Darin Johnson)和家人在明尼苏达州韦尔斯(Wells)附近务农., sells about 100,000 bushels of soybeans annually to the CHS crush plant in nearby Fairmont, Minn. Soy oil produced in Fairmont is further refined at the CHS soy processing facility in Mankato, 哪家皇冠hga010安卓二维码向文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码和其他客户运送石油.

“过去两年,豆油的需求和价值都非常惊人. 对农民来说,这增加了我们的底线,”约翰逊说. “We know renewable 燃料s feedstock demand adds nearly $1 per bushel to the price of soybeans and I think the food oil side of it adds just as much, 如果不是更多的话.”



2019冠状病毒病大流行对文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码造成了沉重打击. Sales plummeted when restaurants, schools and other customers were forced to close dining rooms.

弗曼说,疫情改变了消费者的行为. 外卖和外卖需求暴涨. 传统的餐厅, 那里没有得来速窗口,外卖生意也很少, 需要改变才能生存.

大流行期间, 文图拉的食物 worked with restaurants to create a campaign called The Great American Takeout. “We adjusted to the changes with more packaging offerings geared toward takeout and delivery,弗曼说, 包括更多的单份蘸酱, 酱, 酱汁和人造黄油.

大流行之前, the company worked to increase and diversify its customer base to bolster long-term success. 十多年前,它所有的客户都在美国.S. 其中一位顾客占了文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码收入的25%以上. Now its customer base is spread throughout North America, Latin America and Asia.

“我们的皇冠hga010安卓二维码更加强大,更加注重增长,更加平衡. 我们进入市场的方式更加多样化。.

在未来, 他说, 文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码计划以更有力的方式与客户合作, accelerating adoption of technology to support growth and the customer experience.

食物和. 燃料

弗曼说,他预计豆油将面临竞争, 可再生柴油和生物柴油的主要原料, 加剧食品和燃料工业之间的矛盾.

尽管竞争加剧令人担忧, Furman anticipates 文图拉的食物 will be able to acquire the soy oil it needs.

“We’re working with our major soybean oil suppliers to solidify our place in their portfolio,他说. “We are a proven, time-tested source of demand soybean and 油菜 crushers can rely on.”

Biedenfeld agrees a paradigm shift in soy oil demand is occurring with growing demand for renewable diesel. CHS currently sells 80% of its soy oil to food companies and the rest for 燃料 and industrial uses.

“We assume our percentages [of soybean oil sales] will change in the future, 而是我们在文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码的合资企业, CHS致力于保持对市场食品方面的忠诚,他说.

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